Paisley the Pixie

Welcome to our page

Hiya! I’m Paisley!  My human and I created this page just for fun – we don’t want your info. Your car warranty isn’t about to expire – NO POLITICS ALLOWED.  We just want to share some laughs and giggles.  –  Come on in!  Bring your coffee! Pixies LOVE coffee 

You can find us on webtoon and tapas and new content is published every thursday 

About Us

Andi Michaels

Cricket, Matt and I are real people. I’m not sure about Paisley. I spend so much time with her she just might be.

Cricket is not her real name but matt hung the nickname on her because she’s chirpy when she’s happy. i don’t use her real name here because ….well… the internet isn’t a safe place for an 8 year old. besides, she won’t answer to anything else

the three of us raise beef cattle. i also train ranch horses….and draw……if i sit still, i draw. paisley is created on a xenxelabs tablet.

and….oh yeah….i am profoundly deaf. i occasionally poke (gentle) fun at myself (and myself only). i don’t want to offend others in our community. i just find that gentle humor eases the apprehension people in the hearing community sometimes feel around us. 

I hear and speak in the strip only because it would take 8 million panels to represent each ASL sign